Thursday, October 9, 2014

Pumpkin Spice Sweet Potato

I have been in the mood to try out new recipes. I want to increase my options in my meal plans and I decided to give a spin on sweet potatoes. My mom always baked with brown sugar and topped with marshmallows, but now that we are eating clean this recipe will NOT do.

I attempt my new recipes while the kids are at school and my husband is at work so I can take my time and do sample test runs.

Today I used one large sweet potato, peeled (optional) and diced. Sprinkled Pumpkin spice and 1 tablespoon olive oil then stirred until each cube was covered. Baked at 400 degrees for 30 minutes and BAM a great side or simple snack.

The Pumpkin Spice Sweet Potatoes went really good with Eggs and veggies. This was husband approved and kid friendly. My husband actually asked me to make more!

Are you ready to get Healthy for the Holiday? 
If the answer is yes then create a FREE  Team Beachbody Account. When completed send me a private message on Facebook so we can get you started. 

I would love to have you in my Challenge Group. The group will be a small number of individuals who are ready to commit.  I will be there to walk you through the nutrition plan, to teach you how to plan it out, how to make it work for your lifestyle and to keep you accountable. We will have fun activities to keep us all engaged on our journey!

The group is done through an online closed support group. That means that no one but the members of the group can see what is being posted.  I won't let you fail!  If you invest in me, then I will invest in you!  The only cost is the cost of the challenge pack which includes everything you need to get started.  With me as your Coach you will get accountability, support and guidance!!!  Let's make it happen!  You are going to look amazing for the holidays!  

Kristen Johnson 

Independent Emerald Beachbody Coach

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