Thursday, September 11, 2014

Stuffed Zucchini

I love zucchini and am always trying out new recipes and reinventing the wheel sort of speak. I have seen many stuffed zucchini recipes and thought I would give it a try. Zucchini is a staple food in our house and can always be found in the Johnson refrigerator no matter what season it is. I decided to make without any meat but you can always get creative and add for additional protein.

3 tsp olive oil, divided (If needed for sauteing vegetables and bonding the stuffing)
1 clove garlic diced
1/2 small yellow onion, diced
8 oz mushrooms, diced
1/2 green bell pepper
3 tbsp whole-wheat bread crumbs
2 tbsp feta cheese
2 large zucchini
1/2 small tomato, diced

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Prepare stuffing: In a large saute pan prepare to saute garlic, onion, bell peppers 
and mushrooms on low-medium heat. 

Saute vegetables in a pan

Cut zucchini in half, long ways from top to bottom. I found that it was easier
if I sliced lines and made the boat pattern using my knife and scooped out
seeds and pulp with a spoon. I hate wasting any ingredient when I cook so I
added the scooped zucchini to my vegetables in the saute pan. I also discovered
that I didn't need to add olive oil by doing this. The zucchini acted like a 
bonding agent and had enough moisture. 

Preparing the zucchini boats

Saute vegetables until desired texture reached which was about 10 minutes, 
stirring frequently. Remove from heat and add remaining 2 tsp oil (if needed)
and bread crumbs, mix thoroughly. Spoon an equal amount of stuffing into 
each zucchini half. Bake on a foil-lined cookie sheet for 10 minutes. 

*Note* - I sprinkled Feta cheese and diced tomatoes on the top of my stuffed zucchini boats.

Ready to serve....yummy!

Are you ready to get Healthy for the Holiday? 
If the answer is yes then create a FREE  Team Beachbody Account. When completed send me a private message on Facebook so we can get you started. 

I would love to have you in my Challenge Group. The group will be a small number of individuals who are ready to commit.  I will be there to walk you through the nutrition plan, to teach you how to plan it out, how to make it work for your lifestyle and to keep you accountable. We will have fun activities to keep us all engaged on our journey!

The group is done through an online closed support group. That means that no one but the members of the group can see what is being posted.  I won't let you fail!  If you invest in me, then I will invest in you!  The only cost is the cost of the challenge pack which includes everything you need to get started.  With me as your Coach you will get accountability, support and guidance!!!  Let's make it happen!  You are going to look amazing for the holidays!  

Kristen Johnson 

Independent Emerald Beachbody Coach

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