Wednesday, July 2, 2014

How a Beachbody Coach can Help you Reach your Goals.

Today I would like to explain why having a Beachbody Coach is valuable to the success of reaching your fitness and nutrition goals.

Imagine landing your dream job and to sweeten the deal it comes with a $10,000 raise. You are excited, you tell your friends and family and even go shopping for new clothes. You show up on your first day on the job and there is no one to great you. You fumble your way to find your office. You have no guidance to show you how to work their programs nor have you been given login and password info. Your sitting in your chair wondering what your doing here and is this really your dream job.                                                       

.......Now let's look at this differently.

You show up on your first day and someone greats you in the lobby and walks you around the building while introducing you to other employees. They show you where your office is and trains you on the programs you will be using on a daily basis.                                                                                                               

Which scenario would you rather have? The first one were you doubt yourself and quit or the second where you have support, accountability and success? Without guidance your chances of success are slim to none.                                                                                                                                    

Having a Beachbody Coach works much the same way as having a mentor walk you through a new job. Coaches are here to train you on the best way to approach the program, help with meal plans, fitness and nutrition tips and introduce you to other members that are working towards the same goals. Coaches want you to succeed and are here to help you every step of the way.                                                                                                                                                  

If you have any questions or would like more info please don't hesitate to reach out and friend request me on facebook .

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